I love the activity of spring...the birds singing, bees buzzing, flowers bursting into bloom, t-ball games, graduations, weddings...I am still so grateful everyday that winter is over that I am enjoying every busy minute of this season!
This weekend was a special one for us. My youngest sister Kimmy graduated from college. I am so proud of her! She's worked really hard, especially the past two years and has really found her passion in life. She has been accepted to a very good Master's program for Art Therapy. I can't even say enough about how amazing she is and what a great Art Therapist she is going to be. My mom had a fabulous party for her and her boyfriend Joe, who also graduated (who I am also proud of). The weather was beautiful and it was just a great day all around. The kids helped me make special cakes for Kimmy and Joe to reflect their majors (art/psychology, and criminal justice). The only bummer for the day was that I forgot my camera and never got a picture of the graduates...
The very next day was another day for being proud! Jason and I took Isabella to the Eric Carle Museum for her award ceremony for the Reading Rainbow Young Writer's Contest. Isabella's Great Aunt Kathy joined us for a delightful lunch and the ceremony. It was so cute! There were 12 winners (3 from each grade k-3) and each person received a Curious George stuffed animal (referred to as a huggable trophy) and a backpack full of prizes including family membership to the Museum, books, a DVD, and a sizable gift card to Barnes and Noble. I think the most exciting thing for Isabella was that her story is hanging in the museum! How cool is that! Isabella looked so beautiful in the dress my mom had gotten for her and I could tell she just felt on top of the world. It's a day we will never forget. If anyone wants to meet at the Museum sometime let us know!

In the midst of all of our special occasions and activities we have still been plugging away at school. Isaac was sick for a few days so we laid low for a while and got a lot of work done at home. We wrapped up our study of Africa with Ancient Egypt and now we are getting ready to finish up the year with some fun things. We've been reading the Chronicles of Narnia the past two weeks. We finished the Magician's Nephew and are almost done with The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. They are such great books. I can't believe I had never read them all as a child. In a way, I'm glad, it's so much fun to experience them for the first time with the kids. We are captivated by them. One afternoon, all three children sat for hours while I read over a hundred pages to them! We are planning to finish up our year over the next few weeks with a unit study of Charlotte's Web. We have something from every subject to study for every chapter. It should be fun, it's one of our favorite books too.
We've been learning by doing a lot lately too. Earlier this week my mom came up and got us motivated in our gardens. I have been thinking over what I wanted to do in the gardens for months but I couldn't make a decision. My mom came and we got down to business. She helped us move things around to make a beautiful shade garden on one side of the yard and planted some perennials on the other. She is such an awesome gardener. She has such a gift to grow the world into a more beautiful place. I think she has passed her gift on to my kids too. They worked so hard in the gardens and were so excited with everything when it was done. We still have lots to do and we're excited to work on it some more this upcoming beautiful Memorial Day weekend.

We also had fun throwing pots the other day! Isabella has a pottery wheel and she and Hannah started some beautiful pieces. Aside from being just plain fun we talked a lot about scriptures that describe God as the Potter and people as the clay, being molded and made into works of art, beautiful in the Creator's eyes. It really got us all thinking about God as the Creator of all things. Isaiah 65:18 says ...be glad and rejoice forever in the things I have created.