She had her last day of school on Tuesday and then we headed to Ra-ra's for a sleepover! We had such a blast. We went up to the creamery for dinner and ice cream. It felt like it had been so long since we had been there! The kids had so much fun feeding the goats, watching the baby goats play and playing on the climbers. The ice cream was so delicious too. I tried a kind I had never had...Monson tracks (I think) and it was so delicious!
One of my favorite things about the creamery is watching my children devour their cones and create sticky ice cream beards. This year, however, the reality of how fast my children are growing became glowingly apparent as I realized only Ian had a beard at the end of the night. Isabella, being 7 and all, is very lady like about eating her ice cream and now has full understanding of how to use a napkin. Isaac, being the tidy guy he is, opted for a bowl instead of a cone. Thankfully Ian still covered himself w/ melting ice cream and required me to lick his cone. I prayed that I would remember to value each minute of change with these guys as I headed down to see the goats clutching Ian's sticky, chubby, warm hand, knowing Isabella and Isaac's hands just don't feel like that anymore...
I don't know why Bella turning 7 seemed like such a big deal to me. She just seems so grown up...I feel like we are leaving so many "little girl" things behind lately as we give away toys she no longer plays with and move on to more sophisticated items like diaries and a big girl bike. It's so exciting to experience each new stage. Some days I just marvel at these little miracles God has entrusted to me.
On Bella's actual birthday we went to the Palmer/ Monson Family Network summer kick off picnic at the park. (Terrible day to forget the camera. I would love pix of that day if anyone has some of my kiddos) It was so great to see friends that we haven't seen in such a long time. Isabella and Isaac were so so happy to play with Lily and Sophie. Bella said playing with Lily was the best birthday present she got that day (how sweet!). I got to catch up with friends too. It makes me miss them all the more...
So anyway, we weren't really going to have a birthday party this year, just a few friends over after church like we do every week but I just couldn't let the day go by without at least a few party games...
I had asked Isabella about a month ago what kind of cake she would like and she couldn't make up her mind and asked me to surprise her with a theme. Since she is loves art, drawing and coloring I decided to give her a box of crayons!
Although the rain kept us in for most of the day when we did get outside the kids had a blast being artistic on the wet driveway with sidewalk chalk. They also loved the pinata (of course). I added a little twist this year, because I don't like the idea of everyone running greedily to get as much goodies as they can before someone else does. I put a variety of items in the pinata and told them that the object was to grab one of everything for their bag, whatever was left I divided up fairly. It kept them busy for a while sorting through the loot and the little kids ended up with the same things the big kids had so overall, it was a pleasant pinata experience.
After the pinata we played an "artistic" version of musical chairs. Each kid had a chair (no one was eliminated each round) with a paper and a box of crayons on it. When the music started they walked around like traditional musical chairs but when it stopped they had to start drawing a picture on the nearest paper. They left their picture when the music started again and when it stopped they continued the work someone else had started on their picture. It was fun and they each had a collectively made picture to take home (although I think they all got forgotten here lol). In the end it turned into a techno dancing free for all and they loved it! (the request for techno music was another milestone for this birthday, no more Miss Pattycake or Backyardigans cd for this big girl)

Our last game wasn't a planned one but when I cut open the watermelon I had bought and found it loaded w/ black seeds (which I hadn't seen in a long time!) we had to have a seed spitting competition. It was so cute! I forgot how much fun that is (and how good I was at it lol).

This week is going to be very laid back and relaxing for us. Hopefully we will get in some strawberry picking a trip to the library, probably a few rounds of family bowling on the Wii... I am planning to get a yard of mulch delivered. Isaac will love helping me spread it. He's always eager to work. We have done some gardening but have a very obnoxious and evasive ground cover that just won't go away. I am hoping mulching over it will kill it back a bit. We planted a few veggies but they are in rocky soil on the side of the driveway because it's really our only sunny spot beside the front yard so we'll see how they do...
We've got a big family party this weekend and our last t-ball games too and I'm turning 30 on Sunday!!!! Lots to blog about for next week.