It's snowing today. Actually, it was snowing, now it's icing...sigh
Despite the cold, wretched winter, we have been having lots of fun. We studied magnets recently. Isaac got a neat kit of magnets for his birthday (from me planning ahead for a magnet unit) and we had lots of fun experimenting with it. This is the magnet man that the kids made. I think he's cute.We've also been having lots of fun with Isabella's new puppet theater! Angela gave it to her for Christmas. Its a great set up. It's really heavy duty, folds nicely in the corner when not in use and it fits perfectly on the coffee table in the living room when it is in use! We only have a few puppets right now. We just got some more that need to be fixed up a little bit. A woman gave them to me from freecycle. They are like the old puppets on Mr. Rogers (sort of creepy but really cool too). The kids have been very creative and very silly with their puppet shows. I am planning to put a puppet show on for them soon too.
During the really cold snap we couldn't get outside much. It was tough to stay inside so much so one day we decided to make snow inside! It was really more like snowslime. I have also heard it referred to as clean mud. It's made from shredded toilet paper, water, borax and shredded ivory soap. It gets really fluffy the more you play with it. After playing with it for a little while we used it to make snow pictures on black card stock. It took a few days for them to dry but they hardened into great 3-D snow pictures when they did. I think I liked playing with it even more than the kids. It took me all day to throw it away, I kept going back and playing with it some more lol. Clean up was easy too. I had made it all in a box lined with a trash bag. When we were done I took the bag out and threw it away!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Snow, sleds, skates, slime, sushi, yay!
Posted by blessdmomof3 at 3:09 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
the TLC in Africa
I have some friends that are headed to Africa today. The Bob and LuAnn Herring are leaving today and will be gone for over 2 months doing mission work in Africa through the missionary organization that their family started called Africa Connect. I encourage you all to visit their website and see what an amazing work God is doing there through this family. They do work in Kitale, Kenya serving children through a school called Neema Care Center. In Africa, children must have attended preschool in order to go to primary school. Most preschools cost money and therefore the poorest children are blocked out of school entirely. Their existence in the slums is bleak to say the least. The number of homeless street kids is astounding and most of them resort to sniffing glue to numb their coldness and pain. A documentary called Glue Boys chronicled this sad situation and is a huge eye opener to one of the many overwhelming problems that these kids face. Anyway, our friends the Herrings, in partnership with African nationals have been able to provide a wonderful free school program for children in Kitale Kenya that couldn't otherwise afford school. The work that they have done is so amazing. Just one family, with a heart to serve God by serving these people, has touched the lives of hundreds of children and this is just the beginning.
Last year when we were studying Africa Luann came and did an awesome presentation at our house. My kids were so interested and we have continued to pray for them and talk about the work that is being done there. Last week LuAnn gave me a book with little bios of each of the children at Neema Care Center (there are over 100 enrolled right now). The book has pictures of each child and tells of their family life and what they like to eat and what they want to be when they grow up. The TLC kids are enamored with the book. We also received in our last update a picture card of one particular child to pray for. His name is Aldaff and the kids pray for him usually 3 or 4 times a day! He's an honorary TLC student now and he doesn't even know it.
Seeing how amazing this connection was for these kids I decided to make a bio book to send to Africa of the TLC Academy. It's much smaller, of course, but I am so excited for the connection that we are making. The kids all drew pictures and we wrote a letter to the school director in hopes that we can correspond with them often. The kids are amazed that their pictures are getting on a plane to Africa today. We are so blessed to have this opportunity to truly connect with the people that we are praying for and supporting. It's really an amazing thing.
Our bio book came out beautiful thanks to the incredible school pictures that Seven took of the kids and our adorable class picture. Seven is an amazing and versatile photographer. She has done our family portrait as well as our school pictures and Christmas card picture. She also does wedding photography. If you are interested in having her take pictures for your family you can email her at
I know I have mentioned in the past how sometimes the silliest things are so entertaining to the kids. I found a new one. Gum. I let them all chew gum while they did penmanship the other day. It made life wonderful for almost a whole 1/2 hour. Everyone was just beside themselves w/ glee as they munched away on their yellow Juicy Fruit (when did Juicy Fruit turn yellow anyway?). Hannah and Bella, knowing you can never chew gum in "school" thought it was a great treat.
As most of you know, it's been snowing quite a bit here lately. It's been pretty cold too and going to get even colder. Getting outside is a huge chore but necessary for the fresh air. Dressing my kids to go outside is the bane of my existence every winter. Dressing 3 extras does not make it better. Despite my loath of all things winter, I do let the kids go out (sometimes). We went out the other day and they had fun. I will refrain from commenting on how I actually felt about it because we are learning about self-control this week.
Posted by blessdmomof3 at 10:54 AM 2 comments