My goodness how time flies!! When I sat down to blog I couldn't believe I had to go all the way back to before Easter! It feels like that was soooo long ago. Really it was only a few weeks. I think the very nice warm weather has made the very cold unpleasant weather (which really only ended a week ago) seem like a distant memory...
We had a nice Easter. The last school day before Easter we made some pretty wind socks and had a small egg hunt with the Resurrection Egg set that tell the story of Jesus death and resurrection through symbols that are in the plastic eggs. The kids really enjoyed it.

The night before Easter we colored eggs. I really like coloring eggs. I like it so much that I hate to waste the dye and had to think of other things to dye before I could through it away. I dyed lots of past and some rice too. We'll use it for crafts later. It's pretty :)

Easter morning the kids looked adorable in their Sunday best (thanks to my mom!) They were very proud to go to church to hear their Daddy give the Easter message. Our pastor was on vacation and he asked Jason to fill in for him. It was a great message. You can listen to it by clicking here and scrolling down to the Easter Sunday Message 4-12-09. After church we had a delightfully relaxing family afternoon.

When we got home we had a special birthday dinner and another birthday cake. He couldn't decide what he wanted and asked me to surprise him. I chose the Hungry Caterpillar. It's one of Ian's favorite books, plus he's always hungry (and truthfully it was really easy for the slacker mom to accomplish quickly).

The next next week we heard that Ben and Jerry's was giving away free ice cream cones. It's free cone day on April 21st every year to celebrate their anniversary. I haven't eaten sugar in a long long time but I decided that if Ben and Jerry's is giving away free cones, that is a reason to eat sugar. Earlier that day I had read that the average 6 year old laughs 300 times a day and the average adult only laughs 15-100 times a day. I also read that laughing keeps you healthy. I decided that I was going to look for more reasons to laugh in a day and going to Ben and Jerry's w/ my three adorable kids gave me lots of reasons to laugh. Ian's chocolate Go-tee was particularly amusing to me.

Weather has been nice so we have had some fun adventures at the parks lately. We found ourselves at a local park last Wednesday and it was loaded with litter. The kids don't like that so we picked it up. This not uncommon but since it was earth day on Wednesday, I took pictures of them picking up trash and decided it was blog worthy.

During our April vacation I did manage to tame the slacker beast within a little and I planned and printed everything I needed for school from now until our last day in June. We were going to study Australia but I changed my mind at the last minute and we are doing the 50 states. We had 50 days of school left and 10 weeks. Since there are 10 regions and 50 states I thought it would fit nicely. I like it when things fit nicely. Each week we will focus on a region. Talk about each state in the region, find it and color it on our maps and read a story set in one of the states in that region. This first week was really cool. We read a story called Letting Swift River Go by Jane Yolen. It was about a little girl who lived in one of the towns that was flooded out so the Quabbin Reservoir could be created and Boston could have water to drink. The thing that made it extra cool was that my parents live in a house that was in one of those towns!! It was moved to Monson from Enfield MA which no longer exists. The personal connection to the history was really neat for the kids. I got to show my kids some evidence that my parents house was taken apart and put back together it must have been a LOT of work, its no small house as you can see below. We will be taking a trip to visit the Quabbin soon. I haven't been in years so I am looking forward to it too. We are also going to eat cuisine from each state that we focus on. Since we were focusing on MA this week we had Boston baked beans and Boston Brown Bread. Both were delicious. I was surprised at how healthy the brown bread actually is and how easy to make. The kids really liked eating round bread that was cooked in a can. We ate it with cream cheese and it was delicious. If you click on the names it will bring you to the recipes we used.