Well, the kids are rejoicing that we finally got a nice big snowstorm! I haven't heard official totals but I estimate that we got about a foot and a half. The kids didn't technically get a snow day. They still had to do their school work this morning but after lunch we headed out to make some sculptures. This was the PERFECT snow for sculpting. In the front yard we made a green sea serpent and in the back we made a big white polar teddy bear. It was so much fun...even for me...and now I am ready to move on to spring!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Snow Day!!
Posted by blessdmomof3 at 3:51 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
Lots of Love
It seems like Christmas break just ended and now it's already the end of February vacation! My how time flies. I should have done so much planning this week... Instead I did lots of relaxing and that's important too. It was nice to just be home enjoying the company of my children, oh wait, I do that everyday lol!
A couple weeks ago we had a game day. It was so much fun. We played a game for every subject instead of doing "regular" work. For spelling the girls played scrabble and the boys and I played scrabble junior.For math we played Blokus which is a game of shapes and strategy. Very fun!
For reading we played Trivial Pursuit and took turns reading the cards to one another. It was the kids against me and they won!
For social studies we played and American Girl game that Bella has and we discussed the different time periods of each of the characters.
Bella had a great swim meet a few weeks ago. As you may remember, I had mentioned that my camera didn't take good pictures in the pool room but a new camera is a bit out of budget. Since I couldn't get a new camera I invited my sister to the meet with her new camera. She came with my mom and dad and her two beautiful children and Bella was very excited to have so many spectators. It was a great meet for her. She swam an IM for the first time (1 lap of each stroke) and she also competed in the breaststroke for the first time! She had been working hard to be able to compete in these events and I am so proud of her!
As you all know, we decided a few weeks ago to raise money for the people of Haiti. We are happy to report that we raised $123.20!!!!! Our goal was 100 dollars by our 100th day of school and we met and exceeded the goal! Thank you so much to everyone who supported our effort. I know that many people donated through many organizations and we are thankful for the donations that we received and thankful that we can make difference in the lives of the people in Haiti to the glory of God, no matter how small our school is!! For each dollar donated the kids made a heart to send to Haiti as a visual representation to the children in the orphanage of God's love for them. At the same time, our church decided to make hygiene kits to send to Haiti and we were blessed with the honor of putting them all together. The kids were so excited to be helping. They had been brainstorming ways for a few weeks and when I finally convinced them that adopting the children wasn't the best route to go, they decided they would raise money and send them "love."
Our 100th day of school was last Thursday. We also had our Valentines Day party the same day since it was our last day together before our February break. Each child did a 100th day of school project. Isaac built a scene with 100 Legos.
Bella made a collage of 100 pictures.
Ian colored 100 squares. He worked at it for 2 hours straight and enjoyed it so much he continues to ask for more squares to color in different patterns and designs.
Lexie gather and glued 100 corn pops!
Hannah colored 100 hearts.
We had a "100" snack (whole wheat mini bagels w/ peanut butter and honey and a carrot stick for the 1).
We also decorated our Valentine bags with 100 decorations or drawings.
Ian and Isaac flipped a coin 100 times and charted heads and tails on this piece of sheet rock with bingo dotters. It was adorable how much my little "workers" enjoyed using sheet rock instead of paper. Heads won by the way, 57 to 43. While the boys were flipping and dotting the girls had to figure out what year it will be when they turn 100, what the date is 100 days after their birthday and how old they would be if they were 100 months old.
At the end of the day I gave them each giant sugar cookies and they had to decorate their cookie with 100 decorations or frosting dots etc. They did a good job and then enjoyed devouring them.
This week we took our annual trip to the mall back at home and went to the giant sand box that they set up every February vacation. The kids always have so much fun and we were extra blessed to run into some old friends. It was great to catch up!
We are going to be wrapping up our study of the Olympics as they wind down next week and moving on to a new European country. We will also start writing our Reading Rainbow Contest stories over the next few weeks. Hopefully a trip to the museum too to see the new exhibit, Armed and Dangerous!
Posted by blessdmomof3 at 12:58 PM 3 comments
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The kids of TLC Academy have been thinking of a way to raise money to help the children in Haiti. With our 100th day of school and Valentines Day approaching this is the idea that we have come up with. We call it
100 Hearts for Haiti
You can purchase a handmade heart to be sent to an orphanage in Haiti for $1.00. Our goal is to collect $100.00 and make 100 hearts by February 12th (our 100th day of school!).
So...can you spare a dollar (and some postage if you won't see us) and help us send 100 hearts to Haiti?!
You can send your donations to
TLC Academy
PO Box 942
Lanesboro, MA 01237
If you would like to write a check you can also write them to
TLC Academy
Let us know if you would like your names written on the heart that you have purchased.
Feel free to forward this message to others that may be interested in helping.
I will keep you posted to let you know if we reach our goal of $100.00 by February 12th!
Thank you for helping us help the children of Haiti.
Love, Missy Corbett and the kids of TLC Academy
Posted by blessdmomof3 at 2:35 PM 0 comments